List of active policies

Name Type User consent
Moodle Cookies Notice Other policy All users
Moodle Privacy Notice Privacy policy All users
Moodle Terms of Use Site policy All users


To use Moodle, you must have 'cookies enabled' on your web browser. 

Full policy

Cookies are small file structures used by Moodle to 'request' information from the computer which you are using.  This information is then returned to Moodle and stored. The information may also be shared with third-parties for plugins we maintain within in Moodle (e.g. Turnitin UK).  

We use this information to help improve Moodle services by ensuring that the material and content of the courses match the users' requirements and to make sure users are not having problems with access. The usage statistics are visible to the Moodle administrators and may be visible to your course tutors and, where applicable, authorised users from your employer's organisation. 

Moodle will set the following cookies:



This cookie provides continuity and maintains your login from page to page. When you log out or close the browser this cookie is destroyed (in your browser and on the server).




This cookie records the username you log in as when you visit the site and allows the username field to be automatically filled in the next time you visit.



The Moodle Data Privacy Notice outlines how we collect and use the personal data of Moodle users and provides information about your rights.

Full policy

The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust (the ‘Trust’) uses Moodle ( as an online learning environment to deliver and support postgraduate and CPD education and training. Access to Moodle requires a username & password provided by the Trust.

This data privacy notice has been created in line with the Trust’s Privacy Policy which aligns with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.

The Trust respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data. 

Data we collect

We use your first name, last name and email address that you provided in the enrolment process (students) or thru your employment (staff). Our student records system (SITS) and our authentication service (Shibboleth) pass data to Moodle.

We also process any personal data you provide directly, for example if you share data that identifies you in an assessment.

Standard internet log information such as IP address, browser version and the Moodle pages accessed are also collected. 

How we store your information

Moodle is hosted by Synergy Learning with whom we have a Service Level Agreement that covers data protection. Available on request from

Access to your personal data by members of the Trust is based on need. Only the relevant staff (e.g. system administrators and course teams) have access.

We store your information for as long as it is needed:


  • Your personal data will be deleted from Moodle three years after you last login. To do this, we delete your Moodle account, which removes your complete digital footprint in the platform. Account deletions occur during July and August each year.
  • Assessments are retained for at least 5-years based on advice from the UK Office for Students. They are archived on a Trust secure network drive.


Who we share your data with

Moodle is integrated with two third-party tools to provide additional functionality. We share your data with these platforms to provide access to their services. Each platform has its own data privacy notice:



Your data rights

Depending on the lawful basis and the personal data being processed, you have the following rights to your data:


  • The right to be informed: You can see clearly how we process your personal data and we will keep you informed if anything in this policy changes.
  • The right of access: You can request access to your data. We will respond to these requests within one month where the requests are not complex or numerous.
  • The right to rectification: You can request that your data be corrected (e.g. email address).
  • The right to erasure: You can request that your data be deleted. We will first explain the implications of this.
  • The right to data portability: You can request that your data be exported in a machine readable format to provide data portability.
  • The right to object: You can object to us processing your data by contacting Any consent given can be withdrawn at any time. The implications of this withdrawal for your relationship with the Trust will be clearly explained before proceeding.


Reporting a data breach or making a complaint

To report a data breach or to make a complaint related to data protection please use the contact details on the Trust’s website: Privacy policy - Tavistock and Portman

Further information

If you have any questions, please contact



The Moodle Terms of Use outline the responsibilities of all users of Moodle.

Full policy

The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust (the ‘Trust’) uses Moodle ( as an online learning environment to deliver and support postgraduate and CPD education and training. Access to Moodle requires a username & password provided by the Trust. 


  1. Moodle must only be used for the purposes of training, education, research and related activities. Moodle must not be used for personal commercial use, for example, for marketing.
  2. Moodle must not be used for uploading, storing, viewing or transmitting any material which is (or may be considered to be) defamatory, inflammatory, discriminatory, obscene or offensive. 
  3. Users must not misrepresent the Trust or bring it into disrepute in any way through the use of Moodle. 
  4. Users must always act in a professional manner. Be polite and courteous to others when using Moodle and follow the established norms of appropriate online behaviour. Moodle is not to be used to libel, slander, or harass any other persons. 
  5. Users agree not to plagiarise in submitted posts or assignments. 
  6. The copying, reproduction, circulation and publishing of any information or work that has been uploaded to Moodle is prohibited without authorisation. Copyright of the course materials and content of Moodle are owned or controlled by the Trust unless otherwise stated. Any copies of third-party materials will be clearly labelled. 
  7. Users must ensure that any copyright material added to Moodle conforms with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and is appropriately licenced or a statutory exception is applicable, such as ‘illustration for instruction’. Material not conforming to these requirements will be removed from Moodle. 
  8. Users must look after their own username and password. Usernames and passwords must not be shared with anyone else. 
  9. Users must keep physical access to Moodle secure. For example, do not login to Moodle and then leave your computer unattended (please note, cookies stored on your computer will keep you logged on until you close your browser or clear your cache).
  10. Users must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to any part of Moodle. 
  11. Users must not post material which contains viruses or other programs which may disrupt the Trust’s systems. 
  12. Users must not upload private, confidential or sensitive material or patient identifiable data, unless this is authorised.

Disciplinary Procedures

Users who are found to have broken the Moodle Terms of Use will be subject to the appropriate disciplinary procedure:



The Trust reserves the right to remove, vary or amend any of the content which appears on Moodle at any time and without prior notice. 

Moodle may contain links to other websites outside the Trust's control and that the Trust is not responsible for the content or accessibility of these sites.

Further Information

If you have any questions about the Moodle Terms of Use, please contact: